The Author

This official website is dedicated to my pursuit in telling history through a new lens. Experience the rawness and reality of ancient warfare and be connected to the men and women who lived it. Here you will find a page to the “Novels” that I have published and ones which I am currently working on. As well, please visit and read through the many articles I have written, or given credit to, by clicking on the page, “Posts,” or scan my personal poetry at “The Poetic Side of Life.” I have also provided “Personal Essays” and have laid out a “Current Readings” list of different books I have recently read with links on how to purchase them. Finally a glimpse into my thought process, the value of knowing history, and a little “About Me.” I want you to taste the things of the past through this site, so that we may journey together. Please feel free to leave comments, and ask questions as I continually enjoy hearing what you have to say.
Peter J. Fast
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11 responses to “The Author

  1. Dear Mr. Fast,

    I have just discovered your website and I’m looking forward to reading all you offer. I too, am fascinated by ancient history. I was following links explaining “Moloch”, as I’d read a review of a book by a rabbi (I’m trying to find the book, I forgot its name) whose thesis is the default religion is a Moloch religion.

    Thank you

    • Thank you Bill for your interest in my website, it is wonderful to connect with a fellow historian. That book you mentioned on Moloch, sounds very interesting. If you remember the name please let me know as I would be very interested in reading it. Take care and I trust you will enjoy my writings and posts. Thank you.

  2. Peter
    Looks very interesting and congrats on new publication. I hope that you will take a look for my new book with Randall Heskett Ph.D, entitled : “Divine Vintage: Following the Wine Trail from Genesis to the Modern Age”
    You can read a synopsis of it on Amazon, but think you will find common interest with our work, at least the first half of it. The second half deals more with the best modern wines in the ancient biblical lands. We sell it on line on our website as well; (signed)
    Joel Butler MW

  3. Peter, Your interview was very interesting. I have much the same inner drives for history; but, mine has been delayed 65 years while I worked in business and raised five kids. When I retired, I re-started reading the subject I have always loved which is ancient history as it relates to Scripture. If you have time, please send me an email and maybe we can share a few things. Peace

    • Shalom Dave,

      Thank you for your comments and your passion is evident. I will message you privately my email so if you want to chat further drop me an email. Take care and all the best with your studies of ancient history and the Bible, it is truly a window that never closes. Take care and God Bless.

  4. Hi Mr. Peter J.Fast

    I like your progress, I would like to thank you for your contribution in the improvement of History, specially the biblical history. I love History, specially the biblical history. I would like to contact you for more historical information.This is my email;

    thank you

    • Greetings Yonas,
      Thank you for your kind words and I am pleased to hear that you appreciate the purpose of this website. History is a window that has endless things to reveal to us. There is so much to learn and it impacts how we live today. Thank you for your comments. There has been a number of major changes for me in this last year and so forgive me for responding quite late with this, but better now than never. I will contact you via email so please feel free to connect and send any questions you may have my way. Take care.


  5. Wow, Peter, you have come a long way from Axis and Allies! Sorry for not keeping in touch, this is my first time here and it is awesome!! Very thorough and informative. You also intimidate me ( in a good way) to get off my… and fulfill God’s plan for me. Well done my friend, talk to you soon.

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